Ooooooh yeah! This one is going to be a rad fun time. It’s experimental, and if you know anyone from the AIR studios (Artists Image Resource, where I print) then you know this is going to be a funfest.
What: The AIR Annual Staff & Volunteer Art Show, Party & Exhibition. Over 32 artists’ current work will be on view ranging from print, sculpture, painting, photography, sound and video installation.
When: Saturday December 13, 2008 from 7:00pm –11:00pm
Where: AIR, Artists Image Resource, 518 Foreland St. Pittsburgh, PA 412-321-9664, on Pittsburgh’s historic North Side.
More What: Fresh music, fresh food, a fresh new exhibition of experimentally focused pieces created just for this show by the AIR staff & volunteers, an Open House. It takes a village to run a community arts co-operative and members of this tribe are showing off their hot stuff on Saturday. And you are cordially invited!
Cool extra stuff: DJ Mary Mack, DJ Sean MC and the duo of Hoof & Beek will be spinning music throughout the evening – food and drink will be provided – admission is FREE. This event is not to be missed and we look forward to seeing you!
see works by:
matt cummings / howard booth / andy english / ian short / kerry gaydos / katyana gradler / matt forrest / mary tremonte / hunter blackwell / meredith hertel / strawberryluna / jenn pascoe / erin foley / ryan emmett / rachel maran / jamie adams / sabrina adams / josh troy / gene marsh / mike hegedus / carolyn kelly / budai / kristine synowka / amos levy / nathan mould / julia kennedy / lizzy devita / tresa varner / bill rodgers / robert beckman / nick fredland / ashley brickman / shaun slifer
Here’s a little mock-sneak peak at my piece. Note the “mock” adjective as this is an installation yet to be installed. Digital print, with tissue paper & yarn (to be added), hung low on the wall with the pond set onto the floor. I will post photos of the finishing and installation process and post them next week.

"Spring Spiders", 3D print mockup, part 1

"Spring Spiders" 3D print mockup, part 2.
For more information about AIR and this show or the resources available to artists through AIR please check out my home-away-from home’s website. Hope to see you at the show on Saturday!