
Our one-of-a-kind Custom BUDs on sale NOW!

Tatsuta-Hime, my custom BUD, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn Tatsuta-Hime, my custom BUD, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn

Hooraaay! Our Custom Blow Up Dolls (aka BUDs) from Hero Design Studio’s the super successful This BUDs For You! show are now on sale. Yes yes! Let me be real real real real REAL real with you: These are truly one-of-a-kind toys.

Frownie Brownie, Craigs custom BUD, makin the batter Boss.

Frownie Brownie, Craig's custom BUD, makin the batter Boss.

First, they are entirely hand customized, from start to finish. We were lucky enough to get 2 completely blank BUD Blanks (show below) from Jamungo, which by the way, are Sold the heck Out. It was great fun getting to flex my painting muscles again on this surprisingly tricky 3-D surface. For a pretty annotated process set of photos, look at my Flickr here.

Blank BUD - now Sold Out

Blank BUD - now Sold Out

Second, I rarely do toy customs! This custom toy, Tatsuta-Hime, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn, is my second one ever, and Frownie is a first for Craig. So, they ain’t coming back around anytime soon. I.E. NEVER. Nope, never ever. So scoot on over and check them out, exclusively available from Hero Design Studio + Boutique both online and/or in person. All custom toys from the show will be up for your viewing pleasure and the remaining toys (going fast!) and for sale until December 23rd, so don’t blow it! Get it? Blow Up Doll?

For more photos like the one below of the opening night totally fun rad awesomeness that I was stoked to drive 4 hours to attend (all weekend, yay!), check out Hero Design’s Flickr set.

This BUDs For You opening night crowd

This BUDs For You opening night crowd

Custom BUD!


My Custom BUD, Tatsuta-Hime, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn

Custom BUD, Tatsuta-Hime, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn

So check it! I just completed a custom, one-of-a-kind toy for Hero Design Studio’s Custom BUD show opening on Friday 10/24/08. She’s Tatsuta-Hime, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn. Yup yup. More photos of this piece on my Flickr page.

Tatsuta-Hime is a hand painted and custom accessorized piece, the only one in existence, for the “This B.U.D.’s For You” show, running from Friday October 24th, 2008 to December 23rd, 2008 at Hero Design Studio in Buffalo, NY. Hot opening night reception on the 24th with many of the over 30 participating artists  in attendance including myself. Fun!

BUD (which stands for Blow Up Doll) Blanks are rad blank vinyl toys produced by our friends at Jamungo for customization or just minimalistic awesomeness. They produce a full line of super cool toys, check ’em out!