
I Made It! Market Jr. & Healthy Living show

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It’s our first craft show of 2013! Yay!

We’ll be at the I Made It! Market’s Jr. & Healthy Living show on April 20th from 12-4pm, vending and having lots of family friendly fun. We be bringing lots of Alphabet Prints and art prints as well as rock posters and lunch bags for the kiddos and grown ups alike.

IMI! Jr. & Healthy Living is held at Bakery Square in the Eastside / Shadyside neighborhood. It’s a free and very family friendly event with over 50 vendors.

There will be booths outside & inside too (we’ll be inside) and lots do for all ages!

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I Made It! Jr. pops back into Bakery Square on Saturday, April 20th from 12 – 4 pm for a market filled with lovelies made for our littlest friends and family members. Find clothing, accessories, art prints, toys, plush, cards, backpacks, gift items, and more all locally crafted and handmade. This event also features healthy living options including natural bath and body products, beautiful ceramic kitchenware, repurposed and green housewares, organic clothing, vegan baked goods and more.

IMI Jr/Healthy Living is a part of the 2nd Annual BkSq Family Fun in the Square from Noon-3pm featuring live music by DJ Matt Donnelly and the kid-friendly entertainment duo The Gab and Josh Show. Find balloon twisters from Airheads Balloons, BkSq and Farm to Table Pittsburgh will be hosting family friendly activities, and Franktuary and BRGR Food Trucks will be on-site as well! Over 21+ guests can enjoy beer for a suggested donation which will benefit the Pittsburgh Three Rivers Kids Marathon & Kids of STEEL program! Family Fun in the Square is a FREE all ages event. We hope to celebrate Earth Day together at BkSq

So come on out and enjoy the day!

  • What: I Made It! Jr. & Healthy Living show.
  • Where: Bakery Square on Penn Avenue both outside and inside (next to Jimmy John’s)
  • When: Saturday April 20th from 12-4

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Fresh Spring Trio Instagram Giveaway!

Spring Trio

It’s the first day of Spring!

Hooray! Finally, blue skies, softer breezes and warmer air are on the way here in the Northeast. Can’t come a moment too soon. To celebrate 2 of my super talented and fellow Pittsburgh artist friends garbella +  Redraven Studios & I strawberryluna have teamed up to bring you a special welcome-to-spring-giveaway on Instagram!

We are giving away all 3 of the above items: Diamond Tote Bag (by garbella), Spring Cardinal print (by strawberryluna), and Arrowhead Earrings (by Redraven Studios) to 1 lucky winner!

Here’s how it works, to enter our #SpringTrio Giveaway:

  • Repost the above photo on Instagram. You can screencap it to repost.
  • Tag your repost: #springtrio
  • (If your Instagram account is private then comment on one of our 3 posts that you shared the #SpringTrio giveaway post above instead.)
  • And follow all 3 of us on Instagram: @redravenstudios + @strawberryluna + @garbella.

Our #SpringTrio Giveaway ends at midnight on Friday March 22nd (EST)

We will choose a winner at random on Saturday morning (the 23rd of March) and announce the winner on Instagram with a special photo shout out from all 3 of us.

Thanks so much and good luck!

Dreaming of Cougar Paper & Domtar with strawberryluna

Detail of Domtar & Cougar Paper's new campaign "Dream" featuring strawberryluna!

Detail of Domtar & Cougar Paper’s new campaign “Dream” featuring strawberryluna!

Introducing part of a project that we’ve been dying to share! Lil ol’ strawberryluna was selected by Domtar, the makers of our beloved workhorse Cougar Paper which we use almost exclusively for our silkscreen prints & posters, to be featured in a year-long ad campaign for Cougar throughout 2013.

"Dream" promotion of Cougar Paper by Domtar, featuring strawberryluna.

“Dream” promotion of Cougar Paper by Domtar, featuring strawberryluna.

The ads will be featured in design magazines like HOW Design, Communications Arts, Print, Applied Arts, Graphic Design USA, Printing Impressions, Design Edge, CANVAS and more in 2013. We’re beyond bowled over and thrilled to be partnered with our favorite paper, Cougar this year.

We’ve been using Cougar Paper and talking about this paper’s virtues for years, both in our silkscreen printmaking work and in more commercial printing projects. Domtar and Cougar are internationally recognized for their commitment to environmentally sound and sustainable practices. And Cougar specifically is an acid-free, archival and certified ecologically responsible paper. So what’s not to love? That’s what we think.

To that end, here’s an interview we did recently with the new Cougar Paper Community site.

Photo courtesy of Joey Kennedy.

Photo courtesy of Joey Kennedy.

The new Cougar Paper Community site is a new space where designers and artists join the community to interact and submit example pieces utilizing Cougar Paper, request samples, take part in promos and more.

Yay for Cougar making our prints and posters bright!

Winter Guide Illustration for The Pittsburgh City Paper

Happy Winter Pittsburgh!

We’re really excited about our first illustration gig for The Pittsburgh City Paper, and doubly stoked that it’s the cover illustration for the 2013 Winter Guide.

Our chilly, sled loving bird in the ChillyBurgh is an olde timey Steeler fan as he graces the cover. The issue came out Wednesday, January 15th and will be around for one week around the city. And there’s even a digital edition here too.

Covering arts, music, theater, dance, excercise and cool things to do all around the city the Winter Guide is loaded with information about the things that make Pittsburgh so darn awesome. Don’t miss the much anticipated Pittsburgh City Paper Winter Guide!

The Spinto Band T-Shirt Design

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Hooray! We recently got a chance to pair up with our friends in The Spinto Band to create a brand new t-shirt design for their new record Cool Cocoon‘s special pre-order sale. It’s our 2nd time working with these awesome dudes and we couldn’t be happier to do so. (See our tour poster for The Spintos here.)

Our mountain-fresh design is hand screen printed onto charcoal grey super soft American Apparel Tri-Blend Track tees (our favorites!) in both Men’s & Women’s sizes, these t-shirts go perfectly hand-in-hand with the gorgeous new cover of The Spinto Band’s forthcoming new album Cool Cocoon (available February 5th in the US).

These shirts are available exclusively at The Spinto Band‘s website and from the band directly as a part of their special pre-order sale.

There’s a t-shirt in every for pre-order option too, so there’s a bundle for everyone. There’s even a free song download too! Check out all of the pre-order sale bundles below or visit The Spinto Band here. 

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See us in Studio at Booth #4122 at NYIGF January 2013!


New York! New York! We’re on our way!

We’re getting ready for our 2nd time at the incredible New York International Gift Fair this January 27th – 30th. We’ve moved! And this January we will be in our new home at Booth #4122 in the Studio section of Accent On Design, Level 3 at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan.

We will have a curated selection of Art Prints, our beloved hand silkscreen printed Alphabet Prints and our Lunch Bear Lunch Bags as well as brand new laser cut, hand stained clocks on display for retailers, editors, and press alike. With plenty of beautiful new catalogs, line sheets, wholesale terms and fresh info cards in hand, we’re excited to start the 2013 New Year with old friends and talk with new accounts and clients.

  • strawberryluna, Booth #4122 Level 3, Studio section of Accent On Design at the New York International Gift Fair. Wednesday January 27th – Wednesday January 30th.


  • Show Special 1: FREE SHIPPING on all pre-paid orders placed on-site at the show.

  • Show Special 2:  Any 3 Alphabets of your choosing, FREE with every $500+ order.

Once again – strawberryluna will be in the Studio section of Accent On Design, Booth #4122, Level 3 in the Jacob Javits Center. We hope that you’ll be there too!

Got questions for us? Submit them to the Creative Briefs podcast!


Curious about strawberryluna, what we do, and how we do it? Here is your chance to ask away!

AIGA Pittsburgh’s awesome podcast Creative Briefs has asked us to join their roster of Pittsburgh based design interviews. And of course, we’re super stoked. But we can’t do it without you. So ask any questions that you might have for us about printmaking, working for rock bands, design, craft & arts festivals, working for ourselves, freelance life, the day-to-days of an active studio, whatever’s on your mind.

Submit your questions right here to Creative Briefs by the afternoon of 1/3/13 and we’ll do our best to answer them. The more questions, the merrier!

The air date for our interview by Creative Briefs podcast is still TBA but rest assured, it’s coming up in the next week or so. So stay tuned!


Merry Christmas from strawberryluna!

Merry Christmas everyone!

We love December so much around here. Just after Hanukkah ends, Christmas starts and we have the fun and promise of the New Year fresh starts to look forward to with all of the new beginnings. 2012 has been a big, fun, crazy year for us and we’re so thankful for all of the people in our lives who make what we do so incredible. Thank you all and looking forward to the next year.

Hoping that you are having a lovely Holiday Season.

Best & brightest to you and yours!

Crank it:

One Mom, One Daughter: Two Makers


Above: Kate Johnson of Mamoucha Soaps (photo by Clay Johnson), and Allison Glancey with Craig Seder of strawberryluna (photo by Joey Kennedy), mother & daughter handcrafted makers.

Sometimes creativity does run in a family.

Handmade Arcade recently interviewed my mom Kate Johnson of Mamoucha Soaps and myself (Allison) of strawberryluna for their blog.

We will both be vending at this year’s Handmade Arcade and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Mamoucha Soaps 2nd Handmade Arcade, which is really special this year as they are now being carried in Anthropologie stores worldwide after being spotted at Handmade Arcade last November. Check out the Mamoucha Soaps Prism Soap mini-collection for Anthro here.

To read the full interview, see more photos and learn more about Mamoucha Soaps (and strawberryluna’s origin!) story, click here to visit the Handmade Arcade Blog!

Handmade Arcade Hooray! This Saturday 12/8 – One Day Only!

The Holidays are here in full effect and so is the amazing Handmade Arcade here in our hometown of Pittsburgh!

Handmade Arcade is our last craft show of the year, and we couldn’t be happier closing out our schedule right here at home. Come join us and over 150+ vendors from all over the country with some of the nation’s best indie artists and crafters selling amazing handmade works for your holiday shopping lists – and don’t forget to pick up something for yourself too. You deserve it!

We’ll be at Booth #154 and we will have lots and lots of our Art Prints, Alphabet Prints, Rock Posters, Lunch Bags, Hand Screen Printed Wine Gift Bags, Wood Art Pieces (super new from our gallery show at Wildcard!) and Test Prints plus more goodies!

Handmade Arcade is Pittsburgh’s first and largest independent art & craft fair and is now in it’s 9th year. Handmade Arcade is FREE to attend and will be at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center Downtown with tons of cool & creative activities for children and adults alike in the Hands-On Handmade section all day too.

This year we are also honored to have designed the special tote bags for our friends at Handmade Arcade too! They will be available for sale at the Handmade Arcade booth with our exclusive custom design below, and are expertly printed by the folks at The Cotton Factory:

The free Holley Trolley that runs in Downtown Pittsburgh will be making regular stops all day at the Convention Center for Handmade Arcade, and free parking will be provided by  most garages (Convention Center garage excluded) and free on-street parking as well.

So don’t miss out on the biggest Holiday Show in Pittsburgh and get your Handmade Holidays on with us. See you there!

What: Handmade Arcade is Pittsburgh largest independent handmade art & craft show.

Where: The David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Downtown Pittsburgh.

When: Saturday December 8th, 2012  – ONE DAY only from 11am – 7pm. FREE to attend!

Why: Because Handmade Is Best.

Happy Handmade Holidays Coupon Code Deals from strawberryluna!

Ho Ho Ho! And Happy Holidays! This year, we’re offering TWO super easy holiday deals to help make your holidays easy, bright and full of hand printed & handmade goodness.

Both offers are good in our Big Cartel Webshop here and also in our Etsy Shop here. Your choice! Choose either:

  • FREE Domestic (US-only) Shipping on your orders. Just use Coupon Code HOLIDAYFREESHIPPING during checkout.
  • Or get 20% off of your entire order! Just use Coupon Code HOHOHOLIDAY20 during checkout.

All Coupon Codes are good through 12/31 and are usable as often as you’d like. So go for it – make your holiday gift giving a bit extra special this year and gift Handmade, hand printed art and gifts.

Use our Happy Handmade Holiday Coupon Codes on handmade strawberryluna gifts and maybe even for yourself. Go on, treat yo’self! May we suggestion items such as our:

But most of all, we hope that your holidays and happy and bright this year. Peace on Earth. Goodwell towards all. Cheers!

I Made It! For The Holidays Market this weekend!

The holidays are here! And the super handmade arts & crafty show I Made It! For The Holidays is almost here too!

Handmade wares made by skilled artisans are happily one of the things that make holiday gifting so special in our fast-paced, high-tech world. Being a studio that truly hand pulls our silkscreen prints and posters, you better believe that we believe “Handmade Is best!” when it comes to finding that perfect gift for friends, family and co-workers for the holidays.

I Made It! For The Holidays is FREE to attend with lots of kid & family friendly activities like Santa and adult fun like the TAPPED pop-up beer hall. Check out the IMI! Holiday Facebook page here for more details. So come join strawberryluna and over 90 local & incredibly talented makers for the super festive I Made It! For The Holidays Market this weekend!

We’ll be manning our booth full of rock posters, art prints, Alphabet Prints, and a few brand new surprise items. Stay tuned!

The Details:

Hope to see you there Pittsburgh!

strawberryluna Lecture at MICA & BPS visit on 11/15 in Baltimore

Hello Baltimore! Heading your way this week!

Allison will be trekking to Baltimore on to represent strawberryluna in presenting a lecture to the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) Graphic Design & Printmaking Departments this Thursday November 15th as a guest of the Poster & Screen Printing Class taught by Kim Bentley of Baltimore Print Studios.

Allison will be giving her lecture at Noon in the Brown 320 lecture hall on Thursday, November 15th and then showing work afterwards in the Screenprinting Studio, D202. Both events are open to anyone. Special thanks to the GD dept. for their help and support in bringing Allison to MICA!

Afterwards, Kim, Kyle & Allison will be hanging out at Baltimore Print Studios on Thursday evening for some printy good fun times.

Click here for more information about MICA.

Click here for more information about the lecture.

Click here for more information about Baltimore Print Studios.


Above: The MICA Printmaking Studio

New Release! The Dragon’s Forest Silkscreen Art Print


Come take a walk with your new BFF in The Dragon’s Forest.

Breathing smoke and curling up around his favorite trees, this Dragon can’t wait to come over and hang out.

This is our new limited edition screenprint, hand pulled by us here in Pittsburgh, The Dragon’s Forest is a 2 color silkscreen art print based is on our poster created exclusively for Jackie Kashian’s awesome podcast The Dork Forest live show at CONvergence in July 2012.

This art print is now freshly available in our webshop here and also in our Etsy shop here.

Inks: 2 colors with hand-mixed dragon scales green and midnight black non-toxic water based silkscreen inks. Edition: Limited edition of 200. Each print is hand signed and numbered by strawberryluna. Size: 16 x22 inches (45.7 cm x 61 cm). Paper: Archival, no-acid, recycled content, American made Cougar Opaque White, 100lb cover weight.

Fits beautifully into either a standard 16″ x 20″ frame by trimming the border, or into an 18″ x 24″ frame (as below) as is with a matte.


New Release! Black Cat Lucky 13 Art Print.

Here kitty kitty…

Being born on a Friday the 13th, Allison takes a special delight in all things symbolically “unlucky”. And, being a bit of a bookworm, well, our smartie pants black cat here originally  created for a poster that we did for Jackie Kashian’s CD release party seemed like a fun art print to create for Halloween 2012.

This art print is now available in our webshop here and also in our Etsy shop here. 3 colors, and all expertly hand silkscreen printed in our studio here in Pittsburgh, this print is ready to help you celebrate every day of the year. Bring a little backwards luck into your world with this erudite kitty cat.

– Inks: 3 colors with hand-mixed scarlet red and midnight black non-toxic water based silkscreen inks.

– Edition: Limited edition of 200. Each print is hand signed and numbered by strawberryluna.

– Size: 16 x22 inches (45.7 cm x 61 cm).

– Paper: Archival, no-acid, recycled content, American made Cougar Opaque White, 100lb cover weight.

– Fits beautifully into either a standard 16″ x 20″ frame by trimming the border, or into an 18″ x 24″ frame as is with a matte.