
“Screenprinting 102” art print show in Charleston, NC

Once again, independent music store 52.5 Records in Charleston, SC is showing some mad love for the screenprinting community! 
Screenprinting 102 poster by Chuck Keppler

"Screenprinting 102" poster by Chuck Keppler

This time with a focus on art prints by local and national printmakers. Rad! “Screenprinting 102″ is the second annual screenprinted art show at 52.5 Records (hence the collegiate title) and I’m thrilled to be a part of it again. Pieces in the show are from artists from around the country and will be available for sale as well. Quite affordably too I might add. My newest, fresh off the presses art print “Winter 2008” will be available for view and purchase, yep.

“Screenprinting 102” opens on December 5th 2008 from 7-9pm and will run through January 3rd, 2009. 52.5 Records is located at 561 King St., Charleston, SC. 

Participating  artists include: Leia Bell,  Johnny Pundt, Chuck Keppler, Cricket Press, Adam Turman, Crosshair, Jason Goad, Pete Cardoso, Jason Cooper, Mike Klay, Aesthetic Apparatus, Lon Unitus, Nate Duvall, myself and others to be announced shortly. A good handful of these artists will be at the opening too. Keep your eye on more information here.

We love you 52.5 Records!

Thank you Handmade Arcade!

Handmade Arcade at the Hunt Armory  Handmade Arcade at the Hunt Armory

That thanks goes for the organizers AND the awesome attendees. We had the BEST time all weekend. The Handmade Arcade (with 8,000+ people attending, it’s Pittsburgh’s largest indie/DIY craft show) just seems to get better every year. Everyone that we got to talk with was so nice and open; lots of fun conversations. What can I say? I love to talk shop. And happily, as it turns out, people love to talk craft and art too.

Chatting with a print & design friend

Chatting with a print & design friend

Plus, the new location was the BOMB. No foolin’! Handmade Arcade moved to the Hunt Armory, one of the largest National Guard Armory buildings around. It’s a really cool space with tons of natural light, room for crowds and vendors to breathe and of course, heavy vehicles. Turned out to be a very interesting mix. 

heavy vehicles make way for crafty crafters

heavy vehicles make way for crafty crafters


crowds at the Handmade Arcade

People looking at crafts at the Handmade Arcade.

Lots more photos over at Flickr too. Thanks bunches all! See you next year!

AIR October Benefit Parrrtaaay!

AIR. It’s a good thing right? We all need it to breathe. But, like many printmakers regionally (that means in the Pittsburgh area) and internationally (that means, you know, the whole globe) need AIR too.

AIR is the stuff we inhale, but it is also short for Artists Image Resource, the community co-op studio where I print all of my work. AIR is a not-for-profit, large, flexible use working artists studio with gallery spaces, screenprinting, etching, lithography, and letterpress studios and more.

Being not-for-profit means that my home away from home relies on donations and grant based funding to survive, hence the big October Benefit bash!

On SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 — OPEN HOUSE EVENT AIR’s annual fundraising event helps provide support for all of AIR’s programs and projects. This all day, kid-AND-adult friendly event includes hands on printing and art making activities as well as lots of bands, music, performances, food, refreshments and an exhibition and RAFFLE of work by artists and staff.

For a $10.00 entry fee at the door you can come and go all day, explore various printmaking processes and technologies, enjoy food and drink, experience performances, bands and music. For more specific information or call 412 321 8664. AIR is located on Pittsburgh’s historic North Side, at 518 Foreland Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15212