
Rock Paper Show book: Chicago Release Party

The new Rock Paper Show: Flatstock Volume 1 book.

Kicking off our long weekend in Chicago for Flatstock Poster Show at the Pitchfork Music Fest, the great crew from  Soundscreen Design & Rock Paper Show: Flatstock Volume 1 book are having a party this week, and you’re invited.

Come out for the Chicago release party for Rock Paper Show: Flatstock Volume 1 at our superfriends shop, the Renegade Handmade store  in the Wicker Park neighborhood on Thursday, July 15 from 7-9pm. The book, posters and collaborators will be on site. And we’re quite excited to be finally getting to visit the Renegade Handmade store since it’s one of the biggest carriers of my prints and posters. Totally can’t wait! So if you live in Chicago, or are in Chicago for the Pitchfork Music Festival or just love gigposters, come say “hi”!  We’ll be there hanging out, chatting with everyone, and yeah…probably shopping a little bit too 🙂

What’s the connection you ask? We’re super proud to have a nice set of  Flatstock posters featured in this really rad new book, including an exclusive poster designed just for this book all about Flatstock Poster Shows. Read more about the book and why we love it here!

Hope to see you there. For more info and directions to the Renegade Handmade store click here.

Brand new Flatstock blog debuts with a bang! HUGE poster Giveaway Contest

If you read this blog regularly, or visit, or are into the modern rock poster movement, you’ve (at the very least) heard of  “Flatstocks“. But what all are they and how can you learn more, or keep up on which Flatstocks are where & when?

Via the new Flatstock Blog! HUZZAH!!

The new Flatstock Blog is a clearinghouse of sorts for up-to-date information on upcoming Flatstock Poster Shows, with lists of attending artists, time & date & location details, and that’s just the start. The Flatstock Blog is debuting with the following super posts:

Click here to enter the HUGE Poster Pack Giveaway at Flatstock 26!!

Coming soon to the Flatstock Blog there will be profiles, interviews, special sneak peaks at new Flatstock Artists’ projects and tons more in the coming months, so keep an eye on the new Flatstock Blog. Visit by clicking the banner above or right here!

Related Flatstock links:

Flatstock on Facebook

Flatstock on Twitter

Flatstock on Myspace

Flastock Blog

American Poster Institute

About Flatstock Poster Shows:

The FLATSTOCK poster show series is presented by the American Poster Institute (API). It is an ongoing series of exhibitions featuring the work of many of the most popular concert poster artists working today.

The API is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to serving poster artists and promoting the art form. Both the API and its FLATSTOCK series were organized in 2002 as a result of conversations between interested artists and supporters frequenting the popular web site The best concert posters have always captured both the essence of the music they promoted and the spirit of the time in which they were produced. This is as true today as it was in San Francisco during the Sixties.

The FLATSTOCK shows provide the general public with an ongoing series of opportunities to see fine poster art in person and to meet the artists who’ve created it — they provide the API with a way to present the poster artists collectively while showcasing the breadth of individual styles they represent.

Flatstock 21, Chicago & Pitchfork Music Fest thanks!

Halloo! Thank you so much Chicago! We had a blast both coming and going this year at Flatstock Poster Show and Pitchfork Music Festival last weekend. We loved getting to hang out with our poster friends from all over the country (and even Canada, yes way.) But even more, it’s so fun and awesome when we get to talk to folks who love design and posters and printmaking like we do.

So, thanks so much everyone, hope to see you next year!

Here are a few silly photos of this year’s adventures in poster carny-ing. This was one good road trip full of delicious old fashioned road side stops, fireworks, laughs, overpriced bloody marys and too many anchovies. All in all, great times. Feel free to check out more photos at Flickr too.

Root beer pit stop at Simonton Lake Drive In, in IN. In in in!

Root beer pit stop with Hero Design on the way to Chicago at Simonton Lake Drive In, in IN. In in in! (Photo courtesy of Hero Design.)

Talking with folks and working the booth.

Talking with folks and working the booth.

Flatstock 21 at Pitchfork Music Fest 2009 by night. (Photo courtesy of Doublenaut.)

Flatstock 21 at Pitchfork Music Fest 2009 by night. (Photo courtesy of Doublenaut.)

The fruitiest poster fan ever.

Dan Grzeca & the fruitiest poster fan ever.

If you see this guy while driving the Interstate…hit the gas. I mean it.

Chuckie, gettin' his eat on. (Photo courtesy of Hero Design.)

Chuckie, gettin' his eat on. (Photo courtesy of Hero Design.)

Pitchfork Music Festival & Flatstock Poster show

Picture 3

Heeeeyyyy! It’s tour season, not just for bands but for poster artists too. And that means a new Flatstock Poster show! This next Flatstock is at Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago, IL inside Union Park.

Flatstock is a series of rock poster shows & conventions that happen currently 4 times a year in Austin, TX  (during SXSW), Chicago, IL (during Pitchfork Music Festival), Seattle, WA (during Bumbershoot Music Festival) and Hamburg, Germany (during the Reeperbahn Festival). The Flatstock shows provide the public with opportunities to see fine poster art in person and to meet the artists who’ve created it, while showcasing the breadth of individual styles they represent. Since beginning in 2003, Flatstock has presented 20 events in the U.S. and Europe and has become the epicenter of the current phenomenon in handmade poster art.

Myself and over 40 other national poster artists will be there at Flatstock selling prints, posters and more and talking with thousands of music and art fans. Come see us, say hi, and chat. We’re mostly super nice, and definitely geeky about art.

And, check out the map of Union Park, Pitchfork’s stages and Flatstock’s location in Union Park.

Meet your 2009 Flatstock Chicago exhibitors! The below is the official FS 21 lineup.
The Bird Machine
Decoder Ring
Matt Terich-Design Medicine
Hero Design Studio
Furturtle Printworks
Johnny Sampson
Kollective Fusion
Kevin Tong Illustration
Clinton Reno
Mile 44
Strawberry Luna
Daniel Danger
The Bubble Process
The Silent Giants
Justin Santora-Pink Slip Press
Lil’ Tuffy
The Small Stakes
Weathermaker Press
Mike Budai
Pedal Printing
Cricket Press
Aesthetic Apparatus
Crash Design
Josh Rickun
Alana Bailey
The Bungaloo
Delicious Design League
Spike Press
Mat Daly
Richie Bearden
Miss Amy Jo
Will Ruocco
Tom Stack-Stackmatic
Dan Grzeca-Ground Up
Diana Sudyka
Keith G. Herzik
