
moe. Snoe.down ice sculpture, based on our poster!

Awesome ice sculpture by Ben Rand at Moe.'s Snoe.down 2010, with our poster characters.

So how often does this happen? You design a poster for a band, illustrate characters from animals, and then BOOM! Those characters & your typography come to life in the form of an awesome ice sculpture?

Not too often. But it’s cool as hell, (pardon the pun if you must.)

The above photo was sent to me from the band Moe.’s label, it’s from their Snoe.down Festival, for which we did the official Festival poster (as below). A friend of the band named Ben Rand  is a nationally recognized ice sculpture artist and he did this interactive &  amazing rendering of our poster’s animals and even the typography that we did, with little holes to poke your head into so you could become either the Moose or the Polar Bear character right from  from our poster. Whoa! ::mindblown::

We love it!

So much so that we’re running a little contest, yep. That’s right.

If you went to the 2010 Snoe.down and have a photograph of this ice sculpture with people in it’s super faceholes, send us a copy of your photo and we’ll add it here, and add your name to the Grand Prize drawing and then choose a winner at random and send you a special winner gift of a free Snoe.down poster + super secret & special prizes! Enter in one of two ways:

1. Email us  your photo at strawberryluna { a t } strawberryluna dot com OK OK.

2. Drop a link to your photo in the comments section.

Contest Runs until April 30th, at midnight EST. Good luck!

Our screenprinted Snoe.down 2010 poster (click for more info or to purchase)

Jackson Pearce’s awesome Sisters Red giveaway!

My ARC jacket design for Jackson Pearce's awesome new book "Sisters Red" (Click for more info.)

Ohhhh dang yinz, this is rad. The lovely and funny Jackson Pearce, the author of the above upcoming book Sisters Red (for which I designed the cover, such a fun gig!), is doing an amazing 6 months of giveaways for you.

Here’s the deal, she gives away one ARC copy of Sisters Red plus lots of mystery prizes AND previous prizes per month. How does this work? Well, allow Jackson to tell you herself here on her video blog:

So, what are you waiting for? Enter her giveaway of Sisters Red and pass the word around too!