
Huge letterpress wood type collection for sale

I adore, love, and go weak at the knees for letterpress prints. It’s just a lovely printmaking process and produces gorgeous results. This massive set of wood type for sale caught my eye. This is an outstanding collection of antique and modern letterpress wood type, and to the best of my knowledge, still available. The below is copied and reposted from Steven Heller’s blog The Daily Heller.

Malcolm Dean spent many years assembling his incredible wood type collection, and it’s still a work in progress–or it can be, for some appreciative soul or institution.  “What I learned is that a collection, like any work of art, is alive, and grows and changes according to the attention you give it,” he says. “If I had the time, I’d cull some sections of the collection, and build others up, especially the strong simple faces I like best–the antiques, the gothics, the early Page fonts, and especially those of Vanderburgh & Wells. I’d gradually move the collection toward the goal I once had in mind: a thousand fonts that represent the designs I most love.” But he no longer has the time. Now, he’d like to find a good home for the collection with someone “who will appreciate it, and care for it, and carry it forward.”

He is looking for a buyer.

The collection as it stands now is about one third historic and fancy fonts, one third modern 20th century fonts, and one third gothics. It fills eleven cabinets, including three large Hamilton wood type cabinets, seven regular Hamilton cabinets, and one roll-top cabinet. Also included are two smaller collections, one of borders, catchwords, and ornaments, and one of sorts, as well as several wood type catalogs and books and a 36-inch wood type composing stick from the old print shop at St. Meinrad’s Abbey Press.

To obtain a PDF prospectus offering of his massive and impressive holdings contact Mr. Dean at

Some friends  and cool places whose contemporary letterpress work & contributions that we adore here at strawberryluna:

Dirk Fowler

Anne Benjamin

Hatch Show Print

Hamilton Wood Type Printing Museum

New Bluebottle interview

Quickie post here to share a new interview with me by Amy  from Bluebottle  Art Gallery + Store. I don’t know that I could love the people at the Bluebottle any more. This month marks my first solo gallery show at Bluebottle, after a successful part in a holiday show in December of last year.

And now adding to their awesomeness, Amy, who is also a writer, asked the best questions I’ve ever been asked for this interview for the Bluebottle blog. Have a peek the Bluebottle blog called Art, Craft, & Design and also Amy’s website called Fairy Tale Factory, specializing in fairy tales and writing workshops and spread the magic. If you like process talk about design geekery, be sure to read interview is here.

Over & Over, Mike Perry strikes again

Mike Perrys book, Over & Over

Mike Perry's book, Over & Over

As if there was any doubt he would, though. Right? 

You may recall that I blogged about the fantastically fun and rad illustrator and hand-drawn-type champion Mike Perry previously last October here when I’d finally started reading his first book Hand Job. Which, I immediately fell in love with. I’m talking within the first paragraph of the introduction. And now I’m encouraging you to check out his most recent book, Over  & Over: A Catalog of Hand-Drawn Patterns. 

Both books embrace the comparative unevenness, fallibility, and beautiful imperfections of drawing things like type and patterns by hand that we all too often just turn over to digital generation-mediums. For me, being a straight-up design nerd, textile design geek and general adorer of pattern and repetition as well as lovely awkwardness, this book is the jimmy AND the jam.

Bree Harrisons work in Over & Over

Bree Harrison's work in Over & Over

Featuring his own work, as well as that of over 50 illustrators and designers, it’s chock fulla awesome. You can buy Over & Over directly from Perry’s website as well as find Hand Job and a million other cool projects, shirts, prints, and radness. Or you can find them both at Amazon (of course) right here and here.

Yoko Shimizu's work in Over & Over

Yoko Shimizu's work in Over & Over

Poolga = NOT boring iPhone & Touch wallpapers

Technology is not boring. Or cold. Or impersonal.

iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper

Rose Red, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper by strawberryluna

In fact, as the digital becomes more personal, things are getting pretty interesting. There was a time when technology automatically meant cold, distant, impersonal and excruciatingly under-designed in a human sense. You had to learn to adapt to technology, no matter how awkward, never the other way around. Think early cars without windshields or even a roof, hand cranking telephones to call the operator who then placed your call for you, and the giant, room filling computers of yore.

Yeah well, much of that has changed as people have adopted technology, brought it in from the beeping binary cold and made it fit their lives, no longer just the other way ’round. The iPhone and the iPod Touch are excellent examples of this change. So it makes great sense that these small and highly personal, functional machines become more personalized.

The savvy and design-loving folks at are here to help. Poolga has been putting out amazing images for your iPhone & iPod Touch from an international selection of illustrators and designers, for free. That’s right folks….awesomeness…for free. And moreover, these fine Poolga people have just added 2 of my designs to their incredible collection. I know right? It’s crazy. So did you open a new window or a new tab yet? WHY? GO! 

I love love love their collection. I’ve been rocking this image by UK illustrator and designer Thereza Rowe, Black Unicorns on my phone for a couple of months now, and I still just adore it. Her work is really fantastic and entrancing.

Black Unicorns, by Thereza Rowe

Black Unicorns, iPhone & iPod touch wallpaper by Thereza Rowe

And below is my other current wallpaper up at Poolga. Go check them out OK? SO much awesomeness over there. Go yonder and wander, it’s a fun way to fine new illustrators, designers, and freshen up that bit of pocket magic that you carry around all day, everyday. And cripes, it’s free! You so deserve it. Go on, git. Thanks rad Poolga folks!

Peacock Feathereyes, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper

Peacock Feathereyes, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper by strawberryluna

Handmade Nation movie screenings & release


DIY art and culture lives, thrives and has been gaining a massive resurgence in the past decade. The growth of hand crafted work, arts and crafts that could easily have been made by machines and digital media, but wasn’t, by choice of the artists, is astonishing and rad.

One artist, director, craft show creator (Art vs. Craft), retail craft store co-owner (Paper Boat) and all around superwoman of DIY, Faythe Levine also undertook the writing of a book and making an extraordinary documentary film about this movement beginning in 2006. The film is called Handmade Nation and is just beginning to screen all around the country, and the newly released book is called Handmade Nation The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design. Both authors Faythe Levine and Cortney Heimerl are touring the US and abroad with their film screenings and talking to folks about the passions and work of folks who make art and crafts with their hands. Both the film & the book have been highly anticpated for 2 years and counting. I can’t wait to see the film and have the book in my wishlist, ready to come home any minute now.

For screenings, or to book a screening (they welcome the inquiries) check out the Handmade Nation website and/or the Handmade Nation blog. The Handmade Nation book is available here, and for more photos, visit the Handmade Nation flickr page. 

Awesome Blossom!

strawberryluna T-shirts, now available in my Etsy shop.

Friends Are Neato, brown & pink tees

Friends Are Neato, brown & pink womens & mens/unisex tees.

Hey guess what! If you haven’t seen me at a craft show, you very likely haven’t seen my t-shirts for sale. Since most of my tshirt designs are printed in small runs, I usually only take them with me for shows rather than always having them available online. But now, with the craft and poster carny-travel season coming to a close, I put up some t-shirts in my Etsy store.

Elephant & Bird Friends Are Neato, womens & mens/unisex.

Elephant & Bird Friends Are Neato, womens & mens/unisex tees.

 Available in sought after Women’s tee styles by Hyp brand, (an amazingly soft and comfy women’s tee that puts the other to shame) as well as traditional Mens/Unisex cut styles too. Take your pick! And, now that it’s chilly time, hoodies are in the works too.  Got a suggestion or a design that you would love to see on a hoodie? Drop me line. 

Nesting Brown Birdies, womens & mens/unisex tees.

Nesting Brown Birdies, womens & mens/unisex tees.

And if you’re like me, you could always improve your tshirt folding skills, check out this super sonic, faster-than-the-speed-of-sound shirt-folding technique. SHAZAM! 

Spoonflower, just what we’ve been waiting for.

Thanks to a Twitter mention by smartie artie Meg Hunt, we recently found a great problem solver! Love textiel design, but perhaps don’t have the space, materials and expertise to print your own design? Spoonflower is fix.

For a textile, pattern and design nerd like me, this is straight heaven. Spoonflower, based in an former sock Mill in Mebane, North Carolina in the US, is technically still in it’s Beta stage. However, just this week they made the big move from an invite-only site to a fully public interactive website. Upload patterns & designs, peruse and follow the works of other designers around the world, order custom printed swatches based on your designs, or just read through the extensive blog for ideas, tutorials and tips of the trade.

Basically? Spoonflower is pretty much amazing. Look for my work there soon! Can’t wait to go play. Eeeeeeee.

Hand Job, it’s a BOOK.

Silly. And it is super rad. I might be a little late to the party, but who cares? This book Hand Job, A Catalog of Type is fantastic. 

Author Mike Perry’s enthusiasm in presenting a stunning array of working designers’ hand-drawn type and brief overviews of those same folks work is absolutely contagious. I am obsessed with this book right now and it inspired me to spend an afternoon drawing, doodling and brainstorming at a coffee shop like the dork I am. Happily I had over ten drawings and a big set of fresh ideas for new prints and design solutions.

Chock full of awesome.