
New art prints released: Naptime & I Love My Books!

New 3 color hand silkscreened art print, "Naptime". (click to purchase or for more info.)

For a while now I’ve been wanting to try a new layout, a square one, and one that would fit right into an LP record frame. Well, that time has come.

It’s “Naptime”. We all get sleepy snuggly sometimes, and even natural-born enemies can be the best of friends. You just gotta let your softer side rule.

“Naptime” is the first print in that size and layout. From an illustration that I did a few weeks ago while hanging out on a lazy Sunday afternoon off, while we were totally being summer tv heads. Probably we were watching some cooking shows, or Holmes On Holmes (my new obsession) or such like television.

Anyhoo, I also decided rather than waste paper or have a weirdly shaped cast off, as the 12×12 inch size is smaller than my normal print & paper size, that I would run a smaller print at the same, 2-up. (2-up means printing 2 or more designs on the same page at the same time, cutting them down and apart after printing.) So, I did an ode to books for the secondary smaller design, as below, called “I Love My Books”. ‘Cause I do.

New 3-color (with overprints) mini art print, "I Love My Books", hand screenprinted. (click ot purchase or for more info.)

All sunny and warm, just like this summer. Both “Naptime” and  “I Love My Books” prints are now available at my website here and also in my Etsy shop here. And, for some process photographs of the hand screenprinting process, take a look below. Click on any image below to see more & get more info at my Flickr account too.

1st color, printed. (click to see a larger image, more images or for more info.)

2nd color screen taping & prep. (click to see a larger image, more images or for more info.)

Closeup of "I Love My Books" 3-color hand silkscreened art print.

Closeup of "Naptime", 3 color hand screenprinted art print.

Jackson Pearce’s awesome Sisters Red giveaway!

My ARC jacket design for Jackson Pearce's awesome new book "Sisters Red" (Click for more info.)

Ohhhh dang yinz, this is rad. The lovely and funny Jackson Pearce, the author of the above upcoming book Sisters Red (for which I designed the cover, such a fun gig!), is doing an amazing 6 months of giveaways for you.

Here’s the deal, she gives away one ARC copy of Sisters Red plus lots of mystery prizes AND previous prizes per month. How does this work? Well, allow Jackson to tell you herself here on her video blog:

So, what are you waiting for? Enter her giveaway of Sisters Red and pass the word around too!

Book Light for Book nerds

Super cool hanging Book Light by Studio MS. (Click for more info.)

Ooooh neato. I love these very cool and yes, clever Book Lights designed by UK design outfit Studio MS. Am I a nerd? Yes, for design and for bookish things, so naturally these lovely lights are right up my alley.

Neat desk or end table Book Light by Studio MS. (click for more info.)

Constructed of leather (just like an old classic hard-bound classic), paper, PVC and cotton, these lights are really appealing and give off a very warm and soft light. There is something very sweet about these lights that feels like curling up with tea and settling in for a good long read. I love it.

So pretty! Book Lights by Studio MS. (click for more info.)

Visit the UK-based Studio MS for ordering and more information. Happy reading!


Sisters Red, by Jackson Pearce & my book cover design

My ARC jacket design for Jackson Pearce's awesome new book "Sisters Red"

Well, OK, this post was a LONG time coming. I’ve been working on a bunch of really fun designs since the summer and haven’t posted many of them here on my blog. In part because for a few, like this one that I am SUPER excited about, I had to wait until everything was final and a full on GO.

And here we go! I got the chance and had the supreme pleasure of working with Little, Brown, & Co. on the book jacket design for Jackson Pearce, and really lovely and talented writer, on her newest book Sisters Red, which will be published to the public in June 2010.  Jackson Pearce describes the plot best, so I won’t bother to butcher it for you:

Scarlett March lives to hunt the Fenris– the werewolves that took her eye when she was defending her sister Rosie from a brutal attack. Armed with a razor-sharp hatchet and blood-red cloak, Scarlett is an expert at luring and slaying the wolves. She’s determined to protect other young girls from a grisly death, and her raging heart will not rest until every single wolf is dead.

Rosie March once felt her bond with her sister was unbreakable. Owing Scarlett her life, Rosie hunts fiercely alongside her. Now Rosie dreams of a life beyond the wolves and finds herself drawn to Silas, a young woodsman who is deadly with an ax– but loving him means betraying her sister and has the potential to destroy all they’ve worked for.

A little publishing world insider information: What you see above is the final design for the ARC Cover, aka the Advanced Reading Copy, this is a near-final copy of a book that is sent out for reviews, but that may still have final revisions before the actual publication date. ARC covers are typically not the complete or final design, though sometimes they are very close. (As we think in this case…don’t you?)

Naturally having read a manuscript copy of Jackson’s book Sisters Red I can tell you that it’s super awesome and that you should certainly find a copy next year when it’s out (I’ll post a reminder, don’t worry) because it’s quite good. But, in the meantime Jackson is hosting a giveaway of a few of her personal copies of her ARCs on her website here with a super fun video of “Things You Can’t Have” (including her adorable puppy and some of my prints eeeee!) and then happily “Things You CAN Have” too, so check it out.

The main problem that this designed needed to solve was to be eye-catching and to be something that would attract you from across a room, say at a bookstore. Fun challenge for sure. So, I hope that you like it.

Double thanks to Tracy & Little, Brown & Co. and Jackson!

Book publishers, see anything you like 🙂 Feel free to contact us for book jacket design, we love doing them!

The Year of Readers, I’m doing it.

strawberryluna's Year of Reading profile at

I love to read, always have and always will. My bookshelves in multiple rooms are overflowing, and that includes my “to read” pile.

Handily enough, I came across The Year of Readers blog and wanted to join forces, as, I won’t lie, I am going to be reading in 2009 anyway. And maybe, just maybe? This will get me reading more and a bit faster. Again, I won’t lie, I’ve been a slow bookworm of late. The Year Of Readers is a sponsorship idea where readers join up and/or get sponsorship from folks for reading books from January 1st 2009 – December 31st 2009. Donations can be made per book read, or as a simple denomination can be donated, your choice!

So! For strawberryluna’s Year Of Reading 2009 my literary charity is the children’s literacy non-profit: Reading Is Fundamental or, as you may remember from childhood, RIF! I will be keeping a journal of my readings and the progress on fund-raising efforts for RIF during all of 2009 on my blog here, so keep up. 

I’ve also chosen the organization to process all donations, as they already work with RIF, so any donation made goes directly to RIF. Easy Peasy!

All donations will be greatly appreciated. Please help promote reading and literacy in kids and sponsor me. Start reading with us today!

Hand Job, it’s a BOOK.

Silly. And it is super rad. I might be a little late to the party, but who cares? This book Hand Job, A Catalog of Type is fantastic. 

Author Mike Perry’s enthusiasm in presenting a stunning array of working designers’ hand-drawn type and brief overviews of those same folks work is absolutely contagious. I am obsessed with this book right now and it inspired me to spend an afternoon drawing, doodling and brainstorming at a coffee shop like the dork I am. Happily I had over ten drawings and a big set of fresh ideas for new prints and design solutions.

Chock full of awesome.