
strawberryluna T-shirts, now available in my Etsy shop.

Friends Are Neato, brown & pink tees

Friends Are Neato, brown & pink womens & mens/unisex tees.

Hey guess what! If you haven’t seen me at a craft show, you very likely haven’t seen my t-shirts for sale. Since most of my tshirt designs are printed in small runs, I usually only take them with me for shows rather than always having them available online. But now, with the craft and poster carny-travel season coming to a close, I put up some t-shirts in my Etsy store.

Elephant & Bird Friends Are Neato, womens & mens/unisex.

Elephant & Bird Friends Are Neato, womens & mens/unisex tees.

 Available in sought after Women’s tee styles by Hyp brand, (an amazingly soft and comfy women’s tee that puts the other to shame) as well as traditional Mens/Unisex cut styles too. Take your pick! And, now that it’s chilly time, hoodies are in the works too.  Got a suggestion or a design that you would love to see on a hoodie? Drop me line. 

Nesting Brown Birdies, womens & mens/unisex tees.

Nesting Brown Birdies, womens & mens/unisex tees.

And if you’re like me, you could always improve your tshirt folding skills, check out this super sonic, faster-than-the-speed-of-sound shirt-folding technique. SHAZAM! 

Our one-of-a-kind Custom BUDs on sale NOW!

Tatsuta-Hime, my custom BUD, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn Tatsuta-Hime, my custom BUD, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn

Hooraaay! Our Custom Blow Up Dolls (aka BUDs) from Hero Design Studio’s the super successful This BUDs For You! show are now on sale. Yes yes! Let me be real real real real REAL real with you: These are truly one-of-a-kind toys.

Frownie Brownie, Craigs custom BUD, makin the batter Boss.

Frownie Brownie, Craig's custom BUD, makin the batter Boss.

First, they are entirely hand customized, from start to finish. We were lucky enough to get 2 completely blank BUD Blanks (show below) from Jamungo, which by the way, are Sold the heck Out. It was great fun getting to flex my painting muscles again on this surprisingly tricky 3-D surface. For a pretty annotated process set of photos, look at my Flickr here.

Blank BUD - now Sold Out

Blank BUD - now Sold Out

Second, I rarely do toy customs! This custom toy, Tatsuta-Hime, the Shinto Goddess of Autumn, is my second one ever, and Frownie is a first for Craig. So, they ain’t coming back around anytime soon. I.E. NEVER. Nope, never ever. So scoot on over and check them out, exclusively available from Hero Design Studio + Boutique both online and/or in person. All custom toys from the show will be up for your viewing pleasure and the remaining toys (going fast!) and for sale until December 23rd, so don’t blow it! Get it? Blow Up Doll?

For more photos like the one below of the opening night totally fun rad awesomeness that I was stoked to drive 4 hours to attend (all weekend, yay!), check out Hero Design’s Flickr set.

This BUDs For You opening night crowd

This BUDs For You opening night crowd

2 New Prints released

And ready to go home with you, captain!

They are both ‘of the season’, kinda. The first is my VOTE! print, all about our civic duty. Hang ’em where humans use their peepers for maximum effect. 2-colors, hand screenprinted by me and available at my website.




The second is my Monsters Need Love Too print. Featuring real live GIANT GOOGLY EYES! Just in time for Halloween and bittersweet romances. I sure hope that they can work it out by the big All Hallows Eve Dance. Hand screenprinted (by me! duh!) 2-color print, available over at my website. Or, you know, clicky on the image. Down there, below…jeeze Gramps.