
New strawberryluna Fab Sale starts Saturday June 30th!

We’re thrilled to be working with our friends at once again on our newest Fab Sale on June, 30, 2012.

This sale, like all Fab Sales is exclusive to, lasting just 72 quick hours with lots of great deals on our art prints and Alphabet Prints at anywhere from 20% – 40% off of every day retail prices that you won’t be able to take advantage of anywhere else.

And, best! We’re release FOUR new, exclusive release art prints. Get ’em early and get ’em at exclusive prices 6/30-/12 – 7/2/12 – ONLY. (Want a sneak peek at these 4 new art print? Click here!)

If are already a member of Fab you can check out our preview here.

If you have yet to snap up a free, absolutely easy to sign up for, and spam free membership use this link to join Fab and get great deals on great design every day.

Our Fab Sale starts on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 11am (EST) and lasts just until Tuesday July 3, 2012 at 11am. That’s it. For Pitt. Don’t miss out!

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