
Snow Day!

Jett running in the snow.

Jett running in the snow.

Well, ok. Just about every day this week has been a snow, ice, slush, sleet day, in all truth. But today was that perfect and beautiful light & fluffy-wuffy lofting snow day. And, although I shoveled snow for at least the 9th time this week at the time of writing this, (including helping out some neighbors dig out), it was a lovely & welcome snow day today.

Our dog Jett, who usually hates all things cold weather related, was uncharacteristically enthusiastic and puppy-like in the snow. He pranced and pounced while I shoveled and took photographs of the neighborhood in the snow. Until he got too cold and hid under a giant juniper bush.

Pitbulls, are they really so tough? 

Jettsons icy whiskers, cold & hiding.

Jett's icy whiskers, cold & hiding.

Beautiful snow day, 2009.

New art print released: “Night Birds


Night Birds, 4 color hand screenprinted art print

Night Birds, 4 color hand screenprinted art print

Little bright birds coming home to roost for the night. 

I’ve always loved the chatter of birds at twilight. As a kid walking past the Free Library of Philadelphia, which was home to a hefty flock of pigeons, it always sounded as if everyone had an awful lot to talk about from their day at that lovely pink hour. I’m still an avid little bird feeder. I just love to hear the din of song birds at my feeders.

This print is my all hand screenprinted 4-color print with Dark Chocolate Brown, Bright Canary Yellow, Leafy Green, and Orange water-based and non-toxic inks. Edition of 100, Size: 16w x 22h inches. Perfect for framing. Paper: acid-free & archival Cougar 100 lb White, cover weight. Fresh off the presses this weekend and now available at my website.

Short & Sweet. My first solo art show!

In the words of Roger Daltrey: “YYYEAAAAAHHHH!”

Bluebottle Art Gallery + Store info

I’m so excited about this, I just can’t help but invoke the CSI opening exclamation. The good folks at Bluebottle Art Gallery + Store in my favorite home away from home city, Seattle, WA will forever be special to me now. Well, even more special. They are showing my very first solo gallery show this February.

Perhaps you recall that I was a part of their fantastic holiday art print show “Jolly Good”  in December, (blog post here). Well we’re back baby! Teaming up once more for my solo show in the adorable little month of February, hence the name “Short & Sweet”. It is obvious, right? Do I really have to lead you along with explanations of the shortest month of the year and the second most candy-fantastic holiday of the year? (Flag Day being the first, naturally.) No? Excellent!

Wanna now what’s in store for “Short & Sweet?”, well Bluebottle Art Gallery + Store is here to help your nebby way. They have a preview link here with just some of the screenprinted art prints that I will be showing. All prints are available for sale at Bluebottle from February 1st – 28th. 

And, there will be a brand new print debuting for this show, called “Night Birds”, so fresh on the presses it’s not even OFF yet. Yup yup! So if you are in the Seattle area, please do stop by and see the show. Bluebottle Art Gallery + Store is located at 415 East Pine Street in Seattle, WA with gallery and store hours of Tues – Sun 12 -7.  Bluebottle Art Gallery & Store also runs an email preview list that you can sign up for here, which allows you to get sneak previews of art work before the general public.


Short & Sweet show preview page

Short & Sweet show preview page

Over & Over, Mike Perry strikes again

Mike Perrys book, Over & Over

Mike Perry's book, Over & Over

As if there was any doubt he would, though. Right? 

You may recall that I blogged about the fantastically fun and rad illustrator and hand-drawn-type champion Mike Perry previously last October here when I’d finally started reading his first book Hand Job. Which, I immediately fell in love with. I’m talking within the first paragraph of the introduction. And now I’m encouraging you to check out his most recent book, Over  & Over: A Catalog of Hand-Drawn Patterns. 

Both books embrace the comparative unevenness, fallibility, and beautiful imperfections of drawing things like type and patterns by hand that we all too often just turn over to digital generation-mediums. For me, being a straight-up design nerd, textile design geek and general adorer of pattern and repetition as well as lovely awkwardness, this book is the jimmy AND the jam.

Bree Harrisons work in Over & Over

Bree Harrison's work in Over & Over

Featuring his own work, as well as that of over 50 illustrators and designers, it’s chock fulla awesome. You can buy Over & Over directly from Perry’s website as well as find Hand Job and a million other cool projects, shirts, prints, and radness. Or you can find them both at Amazon (of course) right here and here.

Yoko Shimizu's work in Over & Over

Yoko Shimizu's work in Over & Over

Happy Inauguration Day

Out with the old, in with the new.

Out with the old, in with the new.


This afternoon the US will proudly welcome in our new President, Barack Obama. Rather than detailed the already well known unprecedented layers and aspects of this incredible day and moment, I will just say one word that sums up my chills, tears, hopes and desires for our next President and a new era:


Absolutely in keeping with this administration’s love of democratic forms of communication, if you are not near a television today, you can watch the entire proceedings live via the web at

I’m looking forward to a fresh and inclusive government and participatory time in our country. Best to us all, everywhere and everyone. Peace.

Neko Case – People Got A Lotta Nerve

Neko Case & fuzzy friend

Neko Case & fuzzy friend

This is just so super cool and fuzzy & warm and awesome. Neko Case, as if she wasn’t already rad enough, is doing a animal-rescue friendly promotion that will run from January 13 to February 3, 2009.With a new album. Middle Cyclone, coming out on March 3, 2009 she is pre-releasing a downloadable single called “People Gotta Lot Of Nerve” but with an added bonus.

 Neko Case and ANTI– will make a cash donation to the amazing Best Friends Animal Society,  possibly best known for being the shelter facilty that runs Dogtown and has taken in 22 of the abused former fighting dogs from the Michael Vick dogfighting ring case. For every blog that posts reposts the single Five dollars  ($5!) will be donated to the Best Friends Animal Society and or every user of iLike that adds the song to his/her profile. one dollar ($1!) will be donated to Best Friends Animal Society. The Vick dogs, and literally hundreds of other abused animals are cared for every day, rehabilitated and when possible, adopted into loving home because of the fantastic & dedicated work of the people at Best Friends Animal Society.

SO! Download the song and enjoy, because like Ms. Case, it’s an ass kicker. If you have a blog? Please post about this limited time donation and add this download to your blogs.

Download “People Got A Lotta Nerve” here:

And for instructions on how you and your blog can help, go here. It’s SUPER easy!

Neko Case, Middle Cyclone

Neko Case, Middle Cyclone

Poolga = NOT boring iPhone & Touch wallpapers

Technology is not boring. Or cold. Or impersonal.

iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper

Rose Red, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper by strawberryluna

In fact, as the digital becomes more personal, things are getting pretty interesting. There was a time when technology automatically meant cold, distant, impersonal and excruciatingly under-designed in a human sense. You had to learn to adapt to technology, no matter how awkward, never the other way around. Think early cars without windshields or even a roof, hand cranking telephones to call the operator who then placed your call for you, and the giant, room filling computers of yore.

Yeah well, much of that has changed as people have adopted technology, brought it in from the beeping binary cold and made it fit their lives, no longer just the other way ’round. The iPhone and the iPod Touch are excellent examples of this change. So it makes great sense that these small and highly personal, functional machines become more personalized.

The savvy and design-loving folks at are here to help. Poolga has been putting out amazing images for your iPhone & iPod Touch from an international selection of illustrators and designers, for free. That’s right folks….awesomeness…for free. And moreover, these fine Poolga people have just added 2 of my designs to their incredible collection. I know right? It’s crazy. So did you open a new window or a new tab yet? WHY? GO! 

I love love love their collection. I’ve been rocking this image by UK illustrator and designer Thereza Rowe, Black Unicorns on my phone for a couple of months now, and I still just adore it. Her work is really fantastic and entrancing.

Black Unicorns, by Thereza Rowe

Black Unicorns, iPhone & iPod touch wallpaper by Thereza Rowe

And below is my other current wallpaper up at Poolga. Go check them out OK? SO much awesomeness over there. Go yonder and wander, it’s a fun way to fine new illustrators, designers, and freshen up that bit of pocket magic that you carry around all day, everyday. And cripes, it’s free! You so deserve it. Go on, git. Thanks rad Poolga folks!

Peacock Feathereyes, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper

Peacock Feathereyes, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper by strawberryluna

Handmade Nation movie screenings & release


DIY art and culture lives, thrives and has been gaining a massive resurgence in the past decade. The growth of hand crafted work, arts and crafts that could easily have been made by machines and digital media, but wasn’t, by choice of the artists, is astonishing and rad.

One artist, director, craft show creator (Art vs. Craft), retail craft store co-owner (Paper Boat) and all around superwoman of DIY, Faythe Levine also undertook the writing of a book and making an extraordinary documentary film about this movement beginning in 2006. The film is called Handmade Nation and is just beginning to screen all around the country, and the newly released book is called Handmade Nation The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design. Both authors Faythe Levine and Cortney Heimerl are touring the US and abroad with their film screenings and talking to folks about the passions and work of folks who make art and crafts with their hands. Both the film & the book have been highly anticpated for 2 years and counting. I can’t wait to see the film and have the book in my wishlist, ready to come home any minute now.

For screenings, or to book a screening (they welcome the inquiries) check out the Handmade Nation website and/or the Handmade Nation blog. The Handmade Nation book is available here, and for more photos, visit the Handmade Nation flickr page. 

Awesome Blossom!

Gig Posters Volume I, big ol’ awesome BOOK!

Gig Posters Volume I

Gig Posters Volume I: Rock Show Art of the 20th Century

ShaaahhDoink! Gig Posters Volume I: Rock Show Art of the 21st Century is a new book chock full of hot rock postery goodness from current, working poster artists all over the world. And cripes! They let me in too. In the words of Omar: “Indeed.”

Available for pre-order now, published through the super Chronicle Books and Quirk Books. And, just an FYI? If you pre-order through the website you will receive a bitchin’ extra freebie: an exclusive screenprinted poster from the indomitable Jay Ryan. No foolin’!

Official Description of the book, project and limited edition freebie prints below: showcases gig posters, handbills and flyers from around the world. Great for artists, musicians, bands, designers, venues and music collectors. A collection of rock posters and music posters.

Ships April 2009
11 x 14 inches
208 pages

Includes 101 perforated and ready-to-hang posters along with hundreds of other poster images and designer biographies. Packaged in an oversized 11-by-14-inch paperback, Gig Posters Volume I is a spectacular compilation of rock show art (and a great way to decorate a dorm room or apartment). 

3d Glasses, Adam Turman, Aesthetic Apparatus, Alan Forbes, Allen Jaeger, Amy Jo, Andrio Abero, Andy Vastagh, Beyond The Pale, Billy Perkins, Bobby Dixon, Bongout, Brad Klausen, Brian Ewing, Budai, Burlesque of North America, Casey Burns, Cricket Press, Crosshair, Dale Flattum, Dan Grzeca, Dan McCarthy, Dan Stiles, Daniel Danger, Delicious, Denny Schmickle, Diana Sudyka, Dirk Fowler, Drew Millward, Drowning Creek Studio, DWITT, Eleanor Grosch, Emek, Engine House 13, FarmBarn Art Co., Firehouse, Furturtle Printworks, Gary Houston, Gregg Gordon, Guy Burwell, Hero Design Studio, Invisible Creature, Ironforgepress, James Rheem Davis, Jamie Ward, Jared Connor, Jason Goad, Jay Ryan, Jay Vollmar, Jeph, Jermaine Rogers, Joanna Wecht, Johnny Crap, Jon Smith, Josh Rickun, Judge, Justin Hampton, Justin Kamerer, Largemammal Print, Leia Bell, Lil Tuffy, Little Jacket, Lonny Hurley, Lonny Unitus, Luke Drozd, Lure Design, Malleus, Mark Pedini, Mat Daly, Methane Studios, Micah Smith, Michael Michael Motorcycle, Mig Kokinda, Mike King, Nate Duval, Patent Pending, Powerhouse Factories, Powerslide Design Co., Print Mafia, Rob Jones, Ron Liberti, Ryan Nole, Sasha Barr, Scrojo, Seripop, Squad 19, Stainboy, Steve Walters, strawberryluna, Tanxxx, Tara McPherson, The Decoder Ring Design Concern, The Heads Of State, The Little Friends Of Printmaking, The Small Stakes, Thomas Scott, Tim Gough, Todd Slater, Vahalla Studios, Zach Hobbs, Zeloot 

Pre-order now from and receive an exclusive limited edition screenprinted art print by Jay Ryan! Jay will be creating 3 different 10″x13″ art prints for the book release. The first 1200 pre-orders get free art prints! (400 of each) *Order the 3-pack to assure you get one of each art print!* (Jay Ryan subscribers will automatically receive copies of the art prints in their subscriptions)

Fun, fresh, All Songs Considered.

NPR's All Songs Considered


NPR's All Songs Considered


I listen to music all day long, always in the car (unless it’s NPR time), and when I’m printing, cleaning the house, etc. Like, basically? A lot. A ton if you will, even. And despite the fact that between me & my fella’s huge collection and varied tastes in music, I still find myself bored with what I’m listening to from time to time. It’s really sort of crazy if you look at it from a volume standpoint. But, it makes perfect sense really if you think of music as a driving force in creativity. Especially for people like us who also work in and for the music industry. Music, creativity, art, emotion, thought…they are all linked in a nice messy complicated creature.

One of the ways that I regularly combat this need for fresh sounds is to check out what’s new on National Public Radio (NPR)’s awesome show All Songs Considered, (a show featured in NPR’s also excellent NPR Music offerings) hosted by music fanatic and super open Bob Boilen. If you are a NPR junkie like myself, you’ll get the pun, if not…the title is still apt and clear.

What I love about All Songs Considered is the easy mixing of live shows at music clubs or in studio at NPR and exclusive studio recorded music, as well as the variety of bands and performers covered. Lots of music outlets promise variety in their catalogue, All Songs Considered delivers. It’s a little bit insane. You are as likely to find the newest in new movements, let alone artists, from all around the globe working in genres as varied as human history as you are an old favorite working out something new over yonder. I consistently find stuff that I didn’t know existed, forgot that I had liked, or thought that I would never dig and yet…BANG. Awesome. There is something to be said for excellence in curation.

A  new and cool feature for 2009, All Songs Considered will be debuting new work from musicians with online record release parties, followed by live chat sessions to review and discuss a couple of days later. To start off this new venture, January has record special releases from Andrew Bird, M. Ward, and Animal Collective Neat, right? The first in the series is Andrew Bird’s record release yesterday  Janury 5th, 2009 followed by a live chat on Thursday January 8th, 2009 at 1pm EST.

Enough chatty-chat by me. If you like music, this is heaven. GO listen, GO dig, GO play!

President George Washington; New art print released!

United States First President, General George Washington, 8 color screenprint

United States First President, General George Washington, 8 color screenprint

  Mr., General, President George Washington. He was a complicated man for exceptionally complicated times. Farmer, general, slave-owner, politician, surveyor, patriot, Mason, husband, stepfather, and the United States very first and formidable first President. A man who didn’t belong to a political party, nor believed in them. Kind of difficult to imagine these days, isn’t it? Unfortunately. 

Mr. Washington here is a new hand screenprinted art print, done for a print exchange and upcoming show at fellow printmaker Leia Bell’s gallery called Signed & Numbered Gallery in Salt Lake City Utah. The show is called “All The Presidents Men”, features 44 prints from 44 different artists (one for each US President, should you be keeping count. “All The Presidents’ Men” opens on Friday January 16th 2009 during the SLC Gallery Stroll and there will be another party to celebrate the actual inauguration of our 44th president on Tuesday January 20th 2009 from 1:00 until 7:00pm. 

My new print for this show & exchange is available now, and I have just a few since half of the run is part of the show and the print exchange with the other participating artists. Mr. President here is an 8-color hand screenprinted print with process Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (CMYK) inks, with lots of overprints to make 8 magic colors out of just 4. Gotta love overprints in screenprinting! Edition of 100, with 47 going to the show and the print exchange, so I have just a few for sale. Size: 9.5w x 13h inches. Perfect for framing. Paper: acid-free & archival Cougar 100 lb White, cover weight. 

Growing up in Philadelphia, just a couple of blocks away from Independence Hall, The Liberty Bell and many other colonial landmarks that were a part of the making of the United States, I was quite excited to get the chance to do a portrait of our first President. Thank you Mr. Washington.

The Gig Is Up!


Indeed. Very cool article in the National Post out of Toronto, ON in Canada on the world of gigposters, both actual and the website dedicated to them. It’s a great piece on Clay Hayes, who started the website without realizing that he in fact, was starting a revolution. 

To read the article in full, on the off chance that you don’t have super awesome magnifying specs, I’ve posted the article on my Flickr account. MUCH easier to read. Thanks Canada! You are always lovely.
