
Dirty Dozen Interview on Poster Rocket. ZOOOOOOM!


Six in one...

Six in one...

Shazam! I done got interviewed Ma!

The poster art and design blog Poster Rocket just published a Dirty Dozen interview with me, and it’s sure to answer all of your burning questions about strawberryluna. Well, maybe not all of them. But some of the biggies are covered, most definitely. Secrets about my early formative years as a writer, how I never planned on being a printmaker and poster designer, and what deceased musicians would best love to do a poster for, in an alternate universe are all revealed.

The Dirty Dozen is Poster Rocket’s choice of 12 posters from a single artist or studio coupled with an interview. It’s a good time and be sure to check out the Poster Rocket site for past installments as well as the bevy of rock poster hotness featured every day. Or, be brave and submit your own (legit!) posters for review.

Half dozen in the other.

Half dozen in the other.

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